Join us at the Town Green for a poignant Memorial Day service, where we come together to honor and remember the courageous individuals who selflessly gave for our freedom.
Honoring Our Heroes: Memorial Day Service
Join us at the Town Green for a poignant Memorial Day service, where we come together to honor and remember the courageous individuals who selflessly gave for our freedom. This solemn occasion provides an opportunity for our community to pay tribute to our heroes, united in remembrance and gratitude. Let us gather as one to honor the sacrifices made by those who served our nation with unwavering dedication.
Prior to the Ceremony, the Peachtree Corners Veterans Association will host the inaugural Memorial Day Challenge. This is an obstacle course-themed physical competition for competitors ages 9 to 18. Its purpose is to provide a physical competition for our youth and to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Memorial Day and those we honor.
Youth Challenge begins at 9 AM Ceremony begins at 11 AM
Let us never forget their bravery and sacrifice. Join us as we honor our heroes on Memorial Day.